9 Weeks for 99 dollarsThe North American Taekwondo and Hoijeon Moosool Academy is the premiere martial art school of the southeast Michigan area. A pioneer of the martial arts since 1959, the NATA is one of the first and longest standing martial arts schools in North America and home to the best, time tested martial arts education in the Ypsilanti / Ann Arbor area.

Our internationally certified instructors and modern, no-nonsense martial arts curricula prepare each and every student for success in the classroom, at work, at home, and in life. Our Taekwondo classes and Self Defense classes help you learn valuable skills and reach your full potential, building strong bodies, focused minds and strength of character.

Today, the NATA continues the decades long tradition of producing some of the greatest martial artists in southeast Michigan, all from the heart of Ypsilanti. Our academy is comprised of a 700+ square foot training area as well as a full martial art supply store, maintaining a standard for martial arts training unmatched in the area.

All new students are eligible for the 9 weeks for $99 special. Come see for yourself what all the hype is about!

To get started right away, call us 734-482-1332 and setup an appointment. Otherwise, please fill out the fields below:


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