NATA at home: April 2, 2020

We are off to a great start with our NATA at home practice! We’re seeing journal entries, photo proof, and lots of hard work and discipline.

Journal Reminder

We only need the journals completed once per week.

Take a photo and/or keep your own progress from day to day. Collect you notes and then add them into the form by the end of the day on Sunday.

Live session this Saturday

We are planning our first live interaction coming up this Saturday April 4th.  We will connect via Zoom, so please take a look at that and get familiar with it if you can. Also, be sure to be ready with questions so we can be productive with our time.

Black belt meeting will be at 11am:

All student’s meeting will be at 12pm:

Hoijeon Moosool materials are live!

Our Hoijeon Moosool materials are up!

We are excited to show what we have, so please take a look around and try some things. 

To access, you will need to know this guy’s name:

Earn badges and show off your hard work

For some extra incentive, we will be assigning points and awarding badges for jobs well done. We will keep score of the most badges earned and will post results from week to week. The process is simple:

  • Do the work
  • Make progress
  • Show us proof (before and after, over time)
  • Get a badge

We have nine badges in total for our Taekwondo students:

For Hoijeon Moosool due to the demonstrative nature of the art, we will need to determine technical progress in a different way. However we are planning to access progress in a similar way:

Earn badges for your hard work and show them off on your social profiles.

Keep training, work hard, have fun!

We will post more updates as the time and information allows. Until then, keep training, do the work, stay safe, and most importantly have fun!